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Get Intentional & Healthy Today!

Grab This Limited Time Bundle Now!

Are you ready to become the



Grab Your Bundle Now!

Get Intentional with Your Time & Schedule
Make Health a Priority

It’s time to level up your stewardship over the most important areas of your life!

 Learn how to simplify your health & schedule!

Let Us Show You How!
  • had plans & goals in alignment with what God has for you in this season

  • could lose weight the healthy way, so it lasts

  • had a routine and rhythm to your days that flows

  • felt strong and confident in your body

  • created a schedule that was easy to follow and works for your family

  • knew you had all the tools to make healthy choices 

  • felt organized and prepared for your day

  • found a way to enjoy moving your body and eating healthy

  • found complete rest in the One who created you to transform your mind and body

  • were part of a sisterhood in Christ that spanned the world

Join us on this life changing journey to create routines & healthy habits that flow

Sasha's Testimony from the Healthy Weightloss Academy

Robin's Testimony from the Fresh Start

Begin with your very own 'Fresh Start'

in Sasha's 6 week program where you'll learn how to prioritize, organize, and create a life giving routine that opens the door for consistent health habits.

  • MODULE 1: Starting Fresh

  • Step 1: Seasonal Mindset Wrap Up

    Step 2: Time Tracking

    Step 3: Values

  • MODULE 2: Purposeful Priorities

  • Step 1: Prayer Time & Journaling with God

    Step 2: Purposeful Priorities

    Step 3: Top Priorities

  • MODULE 3: Establishing Your Baseline

  • Step 1: Non-Negotiables / Self Care / Fundamental Needs

    Step 2: Rest

    Step 3: Cycle Syncing

  • MODULE 4: Digital & Paper Planning

  • Step 1: Ideal Schedule

    Step 2: The Merge

    Step 3: Setting Up Your Google Calendar

  • MODULE 5: Tying It All Together

  • Step 1: Routines

    Step 2: Your Time Blocks

    Step 3: Time Blocking

  • MODULE 6: Living It Out

  • Step 1: Boundaries

    Step 2: Daily, Weekly, & Monthly Evaluation

    Step 3: Word of the Season

Then jump in to your healthy lifestyle journey

in Robin's Healthy Weight Loss Academy, where you'll spend 6 weeks learn everything there is to losing weight the healthy way. 

  • MODULE 1: Set Your Foundation

  • Get grounded in Jesus

    Vision Driven Motivation

    Grace Fueled Health

    Basic Habits Begin

  • MODULE 2: Increase Your Protein

  • Importance of Protein for Weight Loss & Longevity

    Easy Ways to Increase Protein

    Recipe & Snack Guide

  • MODULE 3: Clean Up Your Choices

  • Clean Eating Defined

    Good | Better | Optimal

    Vision Aligned Choices

    Clean Eating Guide

  • MODULE 4: Calculate Your Macros

  • Why Count Macros?

    How to Calculate Your Macros for Weight Loss

    How to Transition to Intuitive Eating

    Counting to Intuitive Eating Guide

  • MODULE 5: Be a Meal Prep Boss

  • Benefits of Home-Cooked Eating

    Save Time & Money Cooking at Home

    Establishing Your Meal Prep Approach

    Recipes & Meal Prep Guide

  • MODULE 6: Create Consistency

  • Creating a Mindset of Growth

    How to Prioritize Your Health 

    Commitment Fuels Consistency

    Continued Healthy Habits Planning Guide

Exclusive Bonuses

This Bundle includes a plethora of bonuses resources that you can utilize right away to help simplify your life and break the cycles that have kept you distracted and defeated and missing out on the abundance and JOY God has for you.

  • Digital Life & Goals Planner

  • Access to Sasha's 100 page life planning workbook. Deep dive thought shifting questions, selfcare & mindset pages, goal setting, daily, weekly, monthly pages, routine builders, habit trackers, & more in this 'DIY Life Coach' planner. 

  • 3 Part Mini Series on Time Management & Weight Loss

  • Robin & Sasha sat down to create this exclusive mini series video/podcast series addressing the specific struggles we face when it comes to time management & health. No only that, but they give specific how to's and hacks to overcome. You can binge this right away when you enroll!

  • Masterclass Suite:

  • Sasha & Robin are providing lifetime access to a collection of masterclasses including:
    -How to Prioritize You Health Masterclass
    -Kingdom Health Masterclass
    -Simple Biblical Selfcare Masterclass & Blueprint
    -Dreaming with God Vision Boarding Workshop
    -10 Powerful Hacks for Living Intentionally

  • Healthy Cooking Made Easy Mini Course

  • 'mini' is an understatement when it comes to this bonus! Robin's Healthy Cooking Made Easy course covers topics like: mindset of healthy cooking, cooking time savers & cost savers, a recipe book, scheduling meal prep, & more! 

  • You want to create harmony and balance in your life

  • You want to lose weight and keep it off

  • You know that God has created you for a purpose and you want to live that out

  • You want to be more intentional with the time you have

  • You wish there was a way to lose weight without depriving yourself

  • You desire to simplify your life

  • You had help creating a plan to lose weight

  • You want clarity around what matters most

  • You want to know how Jesus plays a role in your health transformation

  • You know you're made for more, but don't know where to begin

  • You already know how to manage your time

  • You already know how to lose weight no problem

  • You are already feeling organized & productive

  • You know what it takes to create results and healthy habits that last

  • You've got a great schedule and routines for your family that help you all thrive

  • You don't believe your health affects you calling or your life

  • You like doing the same thing over and over and not seeing different results in life

  • Your way is working great

  • You don't want to partner with God in every area of your life

  • The Fresh Start and planner was instrumental in helping me achieve my goals for last year and this year of getting a handle on my schedule through routines, processes, and a calendar.

    Sasha has mastered the art of maximizing her time as a follower of Jesus, wife, mom, business owner, all while keeping her health and self-care an important part of the mix -- and she shares it ALL in the Fresh Start so you can do it too!!

    I am thrilled for a doable game plan on how to tackle my days and weeks while juggling all the things and making more time space for the Lord to give me more of what He has for me.

    Thank you, Sasha, for selflessly giving of your time, talent and treasures yet again with this great course!


    Fresh Start

    This fresh start course has been a total game changer for me!

    I was able to go really deep in thought and prayer to determine exactly where God wants me to spend my time this season and also why those areas are so important to me. By doing so, I was able to use those to create a schedule that I believe will be perfect for me and my family during this season.

    I’ve gone from spinning my wheels every day and getting nowhere to actually getting things done and being productive in my home and in my business.

    The course is amazing and Sasha is always so helpful to work through all the mindset issues and roadblocks that don’t have go be there. I’m still a work in progress but I believe that by using the replays I can definitely get to the point of having purposeful peaceful days and living the life God has planned for me!


    Fresh Start

    You will not regret joining. Investing in yourself, your future, and the future of your family is priceless!

    I gained a lot of energy and was able to accomplish a lot more than I normally could without feeling lethargic. I lost weight, and my body felt good overall.

    Working with Robin has been really fantastic. 

    She is honest, caring, humble, and knows a great deal about nutrition. There was nothing that she shared that could not be easily verified, and the program really works, as long as you are willing to do the work.


    Healthy Weight Loss Academy

    I lost over 7 inches just in my chest, waist and hips. I food prep. I check the menu of restaurants before I go eat. I drink plenty of water. My veggie intake is off the chart. I love veggies.

    If it was easy everyone would do it. Look back even after 12 weeks and see the success. Start a health journey! It's never too late, you're never too old. If you do the same thing over and over you will get the same results. Believe me I did that for 40 of my 60 years.

    ​I am so blessed by Robin’s prayers. I believe I've been directed on this path and I'm so amazed that God has let me to her, and to this group of amazing people.


    Healthy Weight Loss Academy

  • INSTANT ACCESS TO the Bundle Portal with Bonuses

  • INSTANT ACCESS to the Fresh Start & Student Community

  • INSTANT ACCESS to the BONUS Life & Goals Planner

  • Access to the Healthy Weightloss Academy when the Fresh Start wraps in May

  • Weekly Group Coaching calls throughout your 12 weeks in the programs

  • BONUS: 3 Part Mini Series by Robin & Sasha on Time Management & Weight Loss

  • BONUS: Master Class Suite Includes:
    -Healthy Cooking Made Easy Mini Course
    -How to Prioritize You Health Masterclass
    -Kingdom Health Masterclass
    -Simple Biblical Selfcare Masterclass 
    -10 Powerful Hacks for Living Intentionally
    -Dreaming with God Vision Boarding Workshop

  • Easy Payments


    / 3 payments

    Pay in 3 payments 1 month apart

    Pay In Full


    / One Time

    Pay in Full to Save!

    How do I know if I can commit to this?

    It's all made to be simple for you! Each course is broken down into simple steps that should take no more than 60 minutes each week.

    What if I have tried to keep a schedule and it didn't work?

    Girl, I feel you! I spent years being the worst at doing what I said I would do. I assure you, there are so many elements to this course that are different than anything you've tried before. We begin with God, we go deep on what matters most to you, we create rhythm and routine instead of rigid structure. You've got this!

    I'm not sure now is the right time for me to begin something like this...

    Sister, if not now, when? Research shows that taking just 10 minutes to plan your day can save you up to 2 hours of wasted time and diffused effort... in a DAY! Imagine what could be done in a year with some effective planning and learning time management skills?! If you're thinking now isn't the right time, then you literally need to get on this asap! Imagine where your schedule and health will be in 12 weeks! Stop waiting to start! 

    Is it really worth the investment?

    Robin & Sasha both agree this is a steal of a deal! Normally EACH of their courses cost this much without all the added bonuses. Not to mention finding any other time management course or getting a nutritionist costs significantly more as well. Robin & Sasha are both passionate about seeing women succeeding for their families and the kingdom, which is why this special offering was put together at this special price point. We encourage you to take advantage while you can. 

    How do I know this will work for me?

    Both Sasha & Robin have spent years in their respective positions coaching a plethora of women on and through these very topics. But more so than the content within these courses, you will still have to do the work, apply yourself, implement what is taught. If you follow the steps and trust the process, you will succeed!  

    The cart is only open until Midnight on March 27th!

    But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

    Matthew 6:33